Maag Overcome with fish and squid

You who have stomach ulcers may be used to overcome them by taking antacids and mangasida. However, there are natural ways to relieve gastric dysfunction, namely by carp herb or squid.

Impaired function of the stomach or ulcer disease caused by high levels of acid in the stomach that resulted in injury. According to Dr. Ellya, MARS, a herbalist doctor who practiced at GHS Clinic, high levels of stomach acid caused by excessive acid production or destruction of a slow acid.

High levels of gastric acid can be triggered by the presence of neurological abnormalities or bacterial infection. Chronic ulcer disease can cause complications in the form of irritation or injury to the stomach.

Sri Haryanto SN of Holistic Clinic Anugrah Agung, Yogyakarta, adding that the wound may appear in one or many places at once. This wound caused the pain before or after meals.

Usually the symptoms of gastric dysfunction in the form of stool (faeces) to harden due to poor digestion. When severe, the disorder can cause bleeding so that blood or black stools. Other symptoms, severe abdominal pain, bloating, fever, frequent belching, poor appetite, frequent vomiting, the body is weak, and sometimes occurs with chronic diarrhea.

According to Sri, the cause of ulcers can be due to stress so that the stomach produces excess acid. It can also be caused irregular meals or eating too late and consume alcohol or caffeinated beverages.

Impaired function of the stomach, said Dr. Ellya, generally temporary. Drugs are consumed in nature lowers the pH (acidity level) in the stomach. Usually the doctor will prescribe medication in the form of antacids and gastric antigangguan mangasida. These drugs relieve its ulcer attack, does not eliminate the cause of stomach dysfunction. Unfortunately, if taken continuously, this drug can lead to stones in the urinary tract.

Gold fish and squid

Sri offer a natural way to overcome gastric problems with the basic ingredients of squid or goldfish. The squid, he said, only used cangkoknya. Graft squid in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is called casing Siau ha.

Furthermore, she said, not all transplant squid can be used. Select a graft that white, do not be a yellowish or bluish. Another requirement, use a large graft.

"Graft squid contain calcium phosphate, potassium carbonate, and sodium carbonate. The material is what serves to relieve stomach upset," said the founder of Medica Meditation Center, Yogyakarta, this.

Added, transplant squid used as a drug already in the form of flour. How to make it simple, ie, transplantation of squid fried, then mixed with a little vinegar. Cook until the graft is yellow. Furthermore, grafts mashed into flour until smooth.

The material is 600 gram flour prepared graft squid mixed 75 g of vinegar. This herb is consumed slowly.

When consumed, the potion taste salty and a little hot chocolate. Treatment in this manner is done once. However, if not healed, the treatment can be performed once again.

Consumed three days

Meanwhile, gold fish used for treatment is a healthy fish weighing between 300 grams and 1,000 grams. A number of the discarded goldfish, the entrails, fins, gills, and tail.

For gastric disorders, the material 600 gr gold fish, chicken stomach lining, 3,5 gr pepper, 2 g ginger, salt, and 1.5 liters of water. Fish cut into small pieces. Pepper and ginger until finely crushed.

Enter the ginger and pepper powder into the lining of the stomach of chicken skin. Next cook the fish and chicken gastric membranes with 1.5 liters of water until the remaining 0.5 liters, then add salt to taste.

The following herb sauce ready to eat, to two times the consumption. Sri reminded of this herb is consumed before eating rice for three consecutive days. Want to try?

Here's carp-based potions and squid offered Sri Haryanto SN of Holistic Clinic Anugrah Agung, Yogyakarta, to overcome some diseases.

A. Remedy Fish Mas

1. Cough
Ingredients: 300 gr gold fish, 10 g kencur, and 3 cups water. How: mashed smooth kencur. Mix all ingredients, add water and cook until cooked. Jump to eat. This potion is created 2 times a week.

2. Narrow pelvic bone disorders
Ingredients: 300 gr carp, 10 grams of ginger, salt and 3 cups water. The trick: Mix all ingredients together. Cook in water until cooked. The result is the following ready to eat gravy. Herb consumed once a day, for 7-10 days.

3. Leg swelling
Ingredients: 300 gr carp, 35 grams of small red beans, salt and 3 cups water. The trick: mix of common carp and red beans, add salt to taste. Cook the ingredients with water until cooked. Eat while warm concoction. Herb consumed once a day, for 3 times a week, to recover.

B. Squid Potion

1. Impaired intestinal wound 12 fingers
Ingredients: 200 gr flour transplant squid and 2 tablespoons of honey. How: Mix flour transplant squid with honey for flour can be twisted into a round pill. Create pills weighing 7.5 grams (approximately 2 cm). A pill taken before eating rice, three times a day, for seven consecutive days.

2. Infection of the stomach and uterus bleeding
Ingredients: 20 grams of black liquid squid and 0.5 cups of water. How: warm black liquid squid in glass bottles using a low heat until thick. 2 gr liquid brewed with hot water boiled. Drink three times a day until pain is healed. During treatment, it is recommended not to consume foods that are hard, spicy, or drink alcohol.

3. Hemorrhoids
Ingredients: 18.75 grams of flour transplant squid and 1.125 grams of alum powder. The trick: Mix all ingredients and stir until blended. Add coconut oil. Apply the mixture on the injured rectum twice a day until cured. During treatment, banned from eating spicy foods and meat and drink alcohol.
source : kompas


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