Savor Pandan Leaves

Pandan leaves are very often used for cooking. Very distinctive smell, especially when mixed for processed cakes and drinks. But perhaps not many know if it's pandan leaves in the past often used for health care, for What?

1. Weak Asaraf
Take 3 pieces of fresh pandan leaves, washed, cut into small - small. Boil 3 cups of water until the remaining 2 cups, strain while warm. Drink morning and evening after meals

2. Reducing Anxiety
Take 2 pieces of fresh pandan leaves, washed, cut into small - small. Brewed with 1 cup boiling water, cover glass, filtered while warm. Drink once a day after meals. Do it for 3 days

3. Rheumatism
Take 3 pieces of fresh pandan leaves, 20 leaves of fresh butter, wash, mash them until smooth. Add 1 tablespoon eucalyptus oil and oil gandapura. Stir all ingredients, apply on the affected part. Do it until the pain decreases

4. Grow, discolor, and prevent gray hair
Create a jealous oil - ceman consisting of 1 sheet of pandan leaves, 10 leaves young spades, a handful of leaves urang - aring, 5 pieces of leaf bowls, 10 jasmine flowers, 1 rosebud. Wash all the ingredients, cut into small - small. Boil all these ingredients with sesame oil, coconut oil, and hazelnut oil (each - each ½ cup) to boil. Once cool, strain. Apply a mixture of oils and herbs are on the whole skin of the head with a light massage. Can be done before bed, or waking in the morning and afternoon. Once completed, Wash with hot water.


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