Acid Java: It works for Stomach Problems

Tamarind easily available in the markets. The price was not expensive. But the properties, ranging from stomach problems to be solved sprue.

The fruit is called latin Tamarindus indica is known as one of the fruits used for seasoning ingredients. When you are old fruit and processed in such a way so durable, the color becomes blackish. People call it kawak acid because the black color.

The part that can be used from fruit including Caesalpinaceae family (Leguminosae), among others; flesh fruit, young leaves (sinom), and bark. Other characteristic of tamarind fruit is cool, acid taste, smell peculiar, and function of blood circulation.

It is not difficult to obtain tamarind. In traditional markets, in small shops, even in the supermarket is also available. The price was not expensive.

Chemical Ingredients

Skin seeds of this plant contain about 35 percent while phlobatannin seeds contain starch and albuminoid (water-soluble proteins).

The fruit contains chemical compounds, among others: tartaric acid, malic acid, citric acid, succinic acid, acetic acid, pectin, and invert sugar. Acid content is what makes tamarind useful to be used as a purgative (laxative)

The leaves contain flavonoids. The content of this cause tamarind can function as a drug to relieve pain, sweating bullets, and cathartic.

Here are 10 traditional recipes from the acid that helps Java penyembuah several health complaints:

1. Fever (out maternity) Potions: Acid kawak 2 segment thumb Boiling water 100 ml Way of making: fruit acid that has been cleaned is inserted into the water while the water boiled. How to use: The water is already boiling drink 1 a day 100 ml. Duration of treatment: Repeated during 3 days

2. Eczema Remedy: Acid kawak a joint thumb rhizome of Curcuma 4 pieces of Water 110 ml Way of making: Fruit acids and remulawak in small sliced ​​and then put into water. Water boiled until cooked. How to use: The water drink 1 a day 100 ml. Duration of treatment: Repeated during 14 days.

3. Rheumatism Remedy: Leaves young acid 5 pieces Turmeric 1 vertebra How to manufacture: The young leaves rolled with turmeric How to use: The Mill on the sick dikompreskan Note: it could be to sore boils and eczema

4. Boils Remedy: Flesh of ripe fruit and acid, black coconut oil to taste Salt to taste Method for production: Meat crushed sour fruit mixed with oil and salt How to use: Results lumatan attached to a boil

5. Dysmenorrhea ingredients: meat fruit acids 1 vertebra fresh turmeric rhizome thumb (shredded) 1 finger Boiling Water 100 ml Way of making: After cleaning, acid cleaning and turmeric and put in boiled water. How to use: decoction of drinking water 2 times a day, morning and evening, every times drinks 100 ml.

6. Stomach Pain Stomach pain with liquid feces, slimy, and smelly. Remedy: Acid kawak a joint thumb Turmeric rhizome (roasted) 1 finger salt to taste 100 ml boiling water Making: Turmeric that has been roasted to put into the boiling water along with fruit acids. Then add salt to taste. How to Use: The decoction of water drink 1 a day 100 ml. Old treatment: Repeated during 3 days.

7. Hemorrhoids Remedy: Leaves Acid 4 grams of fresh leaves of fresh Saga 6 grams 6 grams of fresh leaves Seated Chinese Herbs Make sure fresh 2 grams of rhizome of Curcuma seven pieces of rhubarb root (powder) 1 / 2 tsp Water 150 ml Way of making: All materials are included in the water boiled. How to use: The water drink 1 a day 100 ml (infusion) or 1 / 4 cup. Duration of treatment: Repeated during 14 days.

8. Itching Remedy: Leaves Acid Turmeric rhizome fresh taste to taste Water to taste How to manufacture: turmeric rhizome and leaves until finely ground acid while given little water. How to use: Results of collisions smeared on the skin that itch. Duration of treatment: Updated every 3 hours. Warning Not recommended for pregnant women, especially Acid Kawak

9. Laxative ingredients: sour fruit flesh is cooked to taste Salt to taste Water to taste How to manufacture: Meat that has been peeled fruit coupled with a little salt, then stored in closed containers and dry (the longer the better). After that, given a little water. How to use: Water mixed drink

10. Thrush Remedy: young leaves 1 cup sour piece of turmeric 5 cm. Water 4 cups sugar (palm sugar) How to manufacture: Turmeric is already sliced ​​into small pieces is boiled with the leaves acidic. Wait until the water is staying half. After that added sugar. Cooking water is filtered. How to use: Water that has been filtered out drunk in the morning and afternoon. Duration of treatment: Repeat until a few days.


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