slimming the body with leaves

It is mutually slimming methods, but never seen the results? Try the recipes passed down through generations that used by the princess of this kingdom. More natural, healthy, and safe, you know.

1. Leaves Dutch identity
Generally herbs singset excavation which has been known in Indonesia contain elements of this leaf. According to experts, its leaves contain alkaloids, resins, and tannin substances. Well, part of Dutch identity leaves a lot of this is used to reduce the formation of fat, thin, and streamline the body.
Recipe: Take two pieces of leaf shoots, wash and cut into small pieces. Then boiled with clean water as much as 3 cups of water. After a cold, filtered water and drink 2-3 times a day. For tastes better, be added with sugar to taste.

2. bay-leaf (Syzygium  polyanthum)
In addition to cooking, bay leaves contain flavonoids and tannins that can be used to treat various diseases, including high cholesterol, high uric acid, diabetes, high blood pressure, ulcers, and diarrhea.
Recipe: Choose 5 or 7 bay leaves are still fresh. After being washed clean, cook with enough water to boiling. Then filtered, after a cold, drink before lunch and dinner.

3. Yellow leaf (Murraya paniculata),
Efficacy of yellow as a drug to overcome the problem of irregular menstruation. In addition, the leaves are useful to overcome the problem of excess fat in the body.
Recipe: Take a handful of yellow leaves added a handful of leaves of Morinda citrifolia (Morido citrifolia) and half a little finger temugiring (Curcuma heyneano). All the ingredients until finely ground, as he added one cup of water, then wring it out, and drunk the morning before breakfast.

4. Green tea
Green tea leaves are used as a beverage ingredient also has long been recognized as one of the burning of fat in traditional medicine. Green tea contains antioxidants that are very high that help increase fat burning in the body.
Recipe: green tea brewed with hot water, chill, and drink. Should be taken before eating food. Green tea will help keep fat intake. Or, it could also drink green tea before you exercise, it also helped to expose the fat under the skin faster.


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