Breakfast Cereal Prevent Hypertension

Cereals are rich in fiber included in one of the best breakfast menu because his usefulness  to health. Not just good for digestion and heart, whole grain cereal (Cereal intact) is also helpful to control hypertension.

In research conducted Dr.Jinesh Kochar, found people who regularly eat breakfast with cereals that contain whole Cereal every day have lower blood pressure 20 percent higher than people who are not breakfast cereal.

"Regular physical activity plus intact Cereal consumption may reduce the risk of hypertension," said Kochar, geriatrics medical researchers from Boston.

In his research he and his team analyzed the data 13 368 male doctors aged 39-85 years involved in research of the Physician Health Study. At the beginning of the study all respondents did not suffer from hypertension. Then after 16 years and then checked again found that hypertension 7267.

After comparing the factors of age, weight, history of diabetes, smoking, exercise and consumption of fruits and vegetables, the researchers found men who did not eat cereals have hipetensi risk 35 percent higher than a diligent breakfast cereals.

"The results of this research could be evidence that the Cereal intact and the content in it such as magnesium and potassium is beneficial for the heart, blood vessels, and glucose metabolism in the body," says Kochar.



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