Drinking Cherry Juice Will Sleep More Soundly

Almost everyone has experienced moments where it is very difficult to sleep at night. In this case, medical or psychological assistance will normally be required. But now, you should not worry and do not need to take certain drugs to be able to rest and closed my eyes.

There is an easy and natural to be able to help you sleep more soundly ie, by drinking cherry juice. Research indicates that regular drinking cherry juice per day is proven to help overcome the problem of sleep disorders.

Several studies have revealed that cherries can help the production of a hormone called melatonin - a natural hormone that helps you sleep better. Scientists from the University of Rochester Medical Center such as conducting research to test the benefits of cherry juice and tart cherry kuet in increasing melatonin. Their research was published in the Journal of Medicinal Food.

Similar research has also been conducted by scientists from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. The study, published in "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry" in October 2001 that states that cherries contain melatonin, which is higher so that it can help you sleep more soundly.

Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland located at the base of the brain. This gland will generally be more active at night. Melatonin contains antioxidants that are responsible for improving sleep in significant quantities and sufficient to provide positive effects for the body.

In addition to help you sleep more soundly, this hormone also has the function of magic, which play a role in carrying out important functions such as destroying free radicals in the body that cause aging.

Besides cherries, you can also select a few alternatives other foods that also have a large role in the increased production of the hormone melatonin, such as almonds, peanuts, milk and chicken meat. In the United States, melatonin is declared safe and sold as dietary supplements.

If you are intending to try to take advantage of cherry juice as a natural drink servants sleep soundly, it is better to follow the steps below:

- Try to drink in several different doses. In the research experts at the University of Rochester Medical Center, the volunteers drank 8 ounces (about 240 ml) of juice in the morning and then equal portions of two hours before bedtime. You could try a lower portion or higher, or a number close to before bedtime.

- Combine. Cherry juice can also be combined with other natural ingredients such as valerian or other herbs juice can increase melatonin.

- Consult. Do not forget to always consult with a physician if you want to add an herbal supplement in drink cherry juice, especially if you're in care or taking prescription drugs.

10 Cheap Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

Those who have hypertension usually have to take medication regularly to control blood pressure. But by making lifestyle changes, blood pressure is too high can be controlled and reduced. With a capital of determination and discipline, not impossible that this lifestyle modification efforts can help remove the dependency on drugs.

"Anyone who has hypertension should be encouraged to cooperate with their doctors and try various things that may help lower blood pressure without the use of pharmacologic agents (drugs)," said Matthew Burg, PhD, a professor from Columbia University Medical Center in New York .

Here are 10 inexpensive and natural ways to lower blood pressure without having to use drugs:

1. Sport

By exercising 30 minutes a day, you can lower blood pressure significantly, said Gerald Fletcher, MD, a cardiologist from the Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Fla., as well as spokesman for the American Heart Association.

"Try aerobic exercises to reduce your systolic blood pressure," said Fletcher. He added, people who are physically active can usually reduce the consumption amount of intake of hypertensive medication. To support it, choose the type of activities that you like such as, walking, running, swimming or cycling.

2. Eating a banana

You probably know that eating too much salt can increase blood pressure, but most people do not realize the benefits of potassium - a substance that can counteract the adverse effects of sodium.

According to the study of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, those with hypertension should be sufficient for the amount of potassium in their diet. Adults should get at least 4,700 milligrams per day. As for the few food sources rich in potassium such as banana (422 milligrams), a baked potato with skin (738 milligrams), orange juice (496 milligrams per cup), and nonfat yogurt or low fat (531-579 milligrams per 8 ounces).

3. Reduce your intake of salt

People with normal blood pressure, high enough, and hypertension can substantially reduce their blood pressure by cutting salt intake. Dietary guidelines recommend that people with hypertension should limit their salt intake of less than 1,500 milligrams (600 milligrams of sodium) a day.

4. Stop smoking

Smokers are the groups most at high risk for hypertension. The content of tobacco and nicotine in cigarettes can cause a temporary spike in blood pressure, although the cigarette itself is not the sole cause of chronic hypertension. Quitting smoking can help you lower your blood pressure slightly. And, of course, other health benefits are countless, says Fletcher.

5. Lose weight

Several studies consistently show that, just a little weight loss, can have a big impact on your blood pressure. Excess weight makes the heart work harder. This extra pressure can eventually lead to hypertension. Meanwhile, with the weight cut the heart's workload will be much lighter.

6. Reduce alcohol

Consumption of alcohol in moderation - no more than one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men - has heart health benefits. But in some people, drinking too much can increase blood pressure. Research shows that consuming alcohol more than two drinks a day can increase the risk of hypertension for men and women.

7. Manage stress
Effectively manage stress can help reduce blood pressure, but unfortunately, there is no research that offers step by step to reduce stress levels in all people, said Burg.

"There are a number of ways that have been developed as a practice to induce a state of relaxation. But how good and true, it remains to be answered in clinical trials," he said. However, Burg recommends that people with hypertension should be able to conduct stress management and practice consistently.

8. Yoga

Yoga is the best way to cope with stress. A new study in India found that yoga breathing exercises reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension - where the work affects the autonomic nervous system effects - by regulating heart rate, digestion, and other functions.

9. Stay away from caffeine

Coffee has some health benefits, but not to lower blood pressure. In the short term caffeine can trigger a spike in blood pressure, even in people without hypertension.

If you have high blood pressure, the best thing to do is to limit intake of caffeine (about two cups of coffee per day). You can check if you are sensitive to caffeine or not by checking the blood pressure before and half an hour after consuming caffeinated beverages. If it increases by 5 or 10 points, you mean sensitive to caffeine.

10. Meditation

Meditation - whether it involves singing, breathing, visualization - can be an effective stress management tool for many people, said Burg. Once again, the important thing is that it makes you feel good, and you can commit to do it consistently.

Green Tea Prevent Hair Loss

The use of hair care products contain many chemicals that can cause hair to become dry, dull, and easily broken. To overcome this, an occasional treat your hair with natural treatments made his own, one with green tea.
So far the benefits of green tea is known only to the body. In fact, the content of antioxidants in the drink is also good for hair health. The experts even believe that green tea can prevent hair loss. What are the benefits and nutritious substances of green tea?

1. Against "Dihydrotestosterone" (DHT)
Dihydrotestosterone is a natural testosterone found in men and women. Now scientists know that the cause of hair loss is DHT. Typical male pattern baldness is also alleged to be caused because the hair follicles are sensitive to DHT. Therefore, one strategy is to block DHT preventing hair loss.
Green tea is an herbal DHT reliable contrarian. Green tea is known to increase levels of sex hormone binding globulin (SBGH) that interact with testosterone, thus preventing the formation of DHT.

2. Increases blood circulation to hair follicles
Green tea contains catechin polyphenols. Quite a lot of research that revealed this molecule to have anticarcinogenic effects and antibiotic function. Studies in rats also showed, catechins cause blood vessels to contract better so that blood flow to the cardiovascular system and the small blood vessels become fluent, including to the hair follicles.

3. Stimulate hair growth
Component called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is the most powerful antioxidants. Dilakuakan research in Japan and Korea showed EGCH have a positive effect on hair growth. The good news, green tea contains 10 percent EGCH so it is advisable to stimulate hair growth.

4. Eliminate dandruff and psoriasis
Various studies show that green tea is effective for removing dandruff and psoriasis skin disease by addressing irritation on the scalp. Based shampoo green tea is highly recommended for hair dandruff. Alternatively, after using shampoo, rinse your hair with green tea water.

5. Strengthens and moisturizes
Another benefit of green tea is to strengthen the hair roots because green tea contains panthenol, vitamin C and E. Vitamin E will restore youthful hair is dry or damaged. While vitamin C helps protect hair from the dangers of the sun. Pantenol and provitamin will make hair softer and prevent fractures

Various Herbs Lowering Blood Sugars.

A number of medicinal plants have such an effect of insulin in the human body. Plants are excessive lowering of blood sugar in people with diabetes. Combined diet and exercise, herbs consumed after eating to control levels of blood gala.

Number of persons with diabetes mellitus lately in the country continues to rise. "One reason is the consumption of too many carbohydrates. However much the rice produced in Indonesia, must be exhausted. We should reduce the intake of carbohydrates," said Prof.. Dr. Sumali Wiryowidagdo, Apt, Head of the Center for Drug Studies Natural Ingredients, Pharmaceutical Departermen Faculty of Mathematics, University of Indonesia.

Too many carbohydrates will cause excessive production of sugar in the blood. Excessive blood sugar that causes diabetes. The bad news, when it is exposed, diabetes can be controlled only by controlling blood sugar.

"Controlling blood sugar can not be done with dietary adjustments alone. Keep in sports," said Prof. Sumali.

Medicinal plants can be consumed to help control blood sugar. "Herbal medicine works like insulin. Herbs can be used long term without side effects means," he added.

Dr. disclosed. Prapti Utami, doctors who study medicinal plants, medicinal plants constructive function, namely to rebuild and heal damaged tissue complications. Herbal remedies work lowers blood sugar by inhibiting the mechanism of sugar absorption thanks to the high fiber content.

Crops such as bitter melon works to improve pancreatic beta cells. "There's also that stimulates pancreatic beta cells of blood sugar," said Dr. Prapti.

For diabetics who must mengongurns medication from a doctor that his blood sugar under control, need to consult with your doctor first before taking herbs. "Keep the distance of time between taking the drug clan drinking medicinal plants," said Prof. Sumali. Here are some herbs that lower blood sugar:

1. Mahkota Dewa

Pharmacological effects: anti-inflammatory drugs dysentery, sore skin, and eczema.

How to use: five to seven slices Phaleria brewed with a glass of hot water (200 cc). Cover and let sit to dissolve first. After that drink in moderation.

2. Brotowali

Pharmacological effects: analgesic (pain relieving), anti piretik (reduce heat)

How to: prepare brotowali 6 cm stem, wash, then cut into pieces. Add a third handheld leaf leaves bitter dlan third cat whiskers. Boil three cups up into two glasses. Taken after a meal.

3. Noni

Pharmacological effects: improving pancreatic beta cells and insulin receptors are not functioning properly.

How to use: two shredded ripe noni fruit, add a little lime water. Stir until evenly distributed. Squeeze it with a cloth and drunk.

4. Aloe vera

Pharmacological effects: anti-inflammatory, laxative

How to use: 1 sheet of aloe vera is washed out, discard needles, then cut into pieces, boiled aloe vera with three cups of water until it becomes one half glass. Drink 3 x1, 5 glass after every meal.

5. Pare

Pharmacological effects: anti-inflammatory, cold nature. Charantin and polypeptide-P in bitter melon stimulates pancreatic beta cells release insulin.

How to use: 200 grams of fresh bitter melon fruit cut into pieces, then juiced or boiled. Then the water was drunk. 6. Green tea

Pharmacological effects: polyphenols in tea increases cell sensitivity to insulin. Effects of green tea on insulin was once investigated by Hiroshi Tsuneki et al and published in the journal BMC Pharmacology 2004 edition.

How to use: one tablespoon tek green tea leaves brewed with hot water. Drink after meals.

Green Tea Prevent Hair Loss

The use of hair care products contain many chemicals that can cause hair to become dry, dull, and easily broken. To overcome this, an occasional treat your hair with natural treatments made his own, one with green tea.

So far the benefits of green tea is known only to the body. In fact, the content of antioxidants in the drink is also good for hair health. The experts even believe that green tea can prevent hair loss. What are the benefits and nutritious substances of green tea?

1. Against "Dihydrotestosterone" (DHT)

Dihydrotestosterone is a natural testosterone found in men and women. Now scientists know that the cause of hair loss is DHT. Typical male pattern baldness is also alleged to be caused because the hair follicles are sensitive to DHT. Therefore, one strategy is to block DHT preventing hair loss.

Green tea is an herbal DHT reliable contrarian. Green tea is known to increase levels of sex hormone binding globulin (SBGH) that interact with testosterone, thus preventing the formation of DHT.

2. Increases blood circulation to hair follicles

Green tea contains catechin polyphenols. Quite a lot of research that revealed this molecule to have anticarcinogenic effects and antibiotic function. Studies in rats also showed, catechins cause blood vessels to contract better so that blood flow to the cardiovascular system and the small blood vessels become fluent, including to the hair follicles.

3. Stimulate hair growth

Component called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) is the most powerful antioxidants. Dilakuakan research in Japan and Korea showed EGCH have a positive effect on hair growth. The good news, green tea contains 10 percent EGCH so it is advisable to stimulate hair growth.

4. Eliminate dandruff and psoriasis

Various studies show that green tea is effective for removing dandruff and psoriasis skin disease by addressing irritation on the scalp. Based shampoo green tea is highly recommended for hair dandruff. Alternatively, after using shampoo, rinse your hair with green tea water.

5. Strengthens and moisturizes

Another benefit of green tea is to strengthen the hair roots because green tea contains panthenol, vitamin C and E. Vitamin E will restore youthful hair is dry or damaged. While vitamin C helps protect hair from the dangers of the sun. Pantenol and provitamin will make hair softer and prevent fractures.


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